Script Library: 1238 scripts
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IP Addresses
2.9 KB
8 Dec 2006
How to know local and wan addresses with Rebol
author: François Jouen
Little Email Client
little-email-client.r793 bytes
1 Sep 2009
A very small graphical email client that can be used to send and receive messages. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
REBOL Directory Services Lookup
3.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provides a simple but effective directory server for peer-to-peer and other types of REBOL applications. Can be installed on any CGI webserver.
author: Carl Sassenrath
57.8 KB
7 Feb 2004
Parses the make-doc-pro markup language into a datastructure that can be into other document formats (such as HTML) with good titles, table of contents, section headers, indented fixed-spaced examples, bullets and definitons.
author: Robert M. Münch
patched HTTP/HTTPS protocol with cookies support
21.8 KB
18 Aug 2006
Provide an HTTP/HTTPS handler that transparently supports cookies
never cache
2.7 KB
10 Oct 2004
function that outputs rebol and javascript code to ensure a page is always freshly loaded from the server
author: Anton Rolls
REBOL news Protocol $Revision: 1.8 $
20.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Read and post news articles
author: Jeff Kreis
Very Short Webserver
821 bytes
20 Oct 2003
Webserver serving files from the current directory.
author: Cal Dixon
Display server name
529 bytes
13 Aug 2004
Prints the name and version of a website's server.
author: Sunanda
Patch for REBOL FTP protocol 226 response handling.
5.2 KB
2 Jul 2005
To fix FTP protocol 226 response handling.
author: Brett Handley
26.8 KB
19 Jan 2009
[no purpose header found]
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
11.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
This script serves many purposes. 1. Act as an HTTP proxy 2. See what your broswer sends out as an HTTP request 3. Add data filters to remove Javascript pop-up windows, remove banner ads, and more... Uncomment line towards the bottom of the script marked for JavaScript to enable JavaScript popup window death!!
author: Sterling Newton
Digital PCS Phone Pager
pcspager.r4.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Check e-mail account for messages, then process for paging to a Digital PCS phone. The processing includes chopping message/sender lengths and url-encoding. My cellular company wanted an extra $3/month just to give me an e-mail address that does what this script does. (Can you believe that? $3!) My PCS provider is Cantel AT&T [...]
author: Kevin McKinnon
Get Patent
5.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
Downloads various types of patents from the server. Normally espace forces you to download the patents one page at a time. This script gets all of the pages for you automatically. Shows various progress bars and time estimates. There may be patents that this does not get because I can not find any documentation on how l2.espacenet encodes its URL's. If you [...]
author: Bob Paddock and Astrid Sindle
Rebol Reader
64.1 KB
10 Apr 2006
The script is a method to provide an orderly collection of scripts and documents to form a Rebol reference.
author: R.v.d.Zee
Remote file Utility
6.0 KB
25 Sep 2003
Exchange files over a network without ftp
author: Ingo Hohmann
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Emulates, with a few lines of Rebol code, the CommServer flash XML socket server from Moock and Clayton.(see for the flash client.) The server sends a simple xml doc like <NUMCLIENTS>numclients</NUMCLIENTS> as soon as someone enters or leaves the server. By updating and comparing the old and updated value of numclients, The Flash client knows if someone has entered [...]
author: SuperTomato
Server object handler script
server.r5.1 KB
19 Oct 2004
This script will parse robot.txt files and store a hash! of forbidden paths. This is very useful for webbots or spiders of any kind (at least if obeying robot exclusion standards is desirable). I looked at the ht://dig package ( script that does the same thing as this script to see if I [...]
author: hy
REBOL CGI Test Script
3.1 KB
17 Jan 2005
REBOL Test CGI-Script for Serve-It!
author: Dirk Weyand
Telnet Chat
4.3 KB
6 May 2003
A chat-server you can telnet to! ;o)
author: Tommy Giessing Pedersen